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Meet the Sales and Marketing Team

Get to know the members of the GOSS Sales and Marketing team better. We've caught up with them to find out a bit more about what they do at GOSS.

Shaun Jennings, 6 December 2021 00:00
Meet Sales and Marketing Thumbnail


Key to helping GOSS clients and prospective clients understand the possibilities of the GOSS Digital Platform, the team is responsible for promoting the good work we do here at GOSS.  The team is comprised of Simon, Andy, Julie, Matt, Shaun, Iain, Jon, Usha and Lauren. Discover a bit more about each of them below...


Simon Smith

Simon Smith

Sales Director

How long have you been at GOSS?: 17 years

What has been your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Working with the team to win the CalMac Ferry project some 6+ years ago and helping to win the FSA contract.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?: Tour New Zealand, swim with a pod of whales, meet the King

Favourite motto/quote?: Living the dream

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: Easy, the people,  great people, really clever people with a real and genuine passion to help our clients deliver the services they need to their customers



Andy Orchard

Andy Orchard

Head of Account Management

How long have you been at GOSS?: Forever - about 19 years

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Sales and Marketing Team?: Great team to work with, we understand what needs to be done, but have a great time achieving it.

If you could become any animal, which animal would it be?: Don't do animals!

Top 3 things on your bucket list?: Don't have a bucket list. But want to keep surfing until I am a very old man! (some will say I am already)

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: A very supportive company, who reward loyalty. Never really had a day or week where I thought I don't want to go to work. Got to be something special in that.



Julie Johnson

Julie Johnson

Bid Manager

How long have you been at GOSS?: 10 years

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Sales and Marketing Team?: Great to be part of a hard-working, fun and successful team.  Winning business with clients (new and old) and sharing how they use our solutions to improve their online services.

What three things would you take with you to a deserted island?: Hammock, camera, fairy lights (this is a holiday not for survival ;) !)

Favourite place in the world?: On a deserted beach watching the sun come up - am really rather pleased we live in Devon near the sea!

What has been your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Oh man! Hard question is this a job interview? Other than keeping our crucial G-Cloud presence relevant and attractive to new and existing customers, I would say getting us onto the CCS BOS framework earlier this year - it shows that as an SME we can and do compete with the much larger corporates - we may not be the biggest supplier, but we deliver an outstanding innovative digital platform and fantastic customer service, whilst being both agile and flexible which enables us to meet our client's needs quickly and effectively.



Matt Barnes

Matt Barnes

Account Manager

How long have you been at GOSS?: 9 years

What has been your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: That's always a tough one, but I would say the consistent high levels of feedback Team Account Management always get from the client surveys which makes you very proud to receive that type of recognition. Thank you everyone!

Who would play you in a movie about your life?: Blimey it would be a short movie! Rowan Atkinson, some would say I am a bit like Mr Bean.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?: Score a goal at Anfield, learn to Snowboard, jump out of a plane (with parachute obviously).

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: You are always encouraged to speak your mind and offer ideas to solutions, everyone always listens and strives to do the best for the customer. And to be fair the people are pretty amazing as well.



Shaun Jennings

Shaun Jennings

Marketing Manager

How long have you been at GOSS?: 6 years

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Sales and Marketing Team?: We collaborate well together, and help one another in decision making. 

Favourite motto/quote?: Nothing in life worth having ever comes easy.

If you could become any animal, which animal would it be?: A dolphin. Have always loved the water, wouldn't mind jumping about over some waves.

What has been your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Reinvigorating the marketing at GOSS. Being in GOSS it is one of those places that enables you full autonomy of your line of work.



Iain Paterson

Iain Paterson

New Business Development Manager

How long have you been at GOSS?: 5 years

What has been your greatest achievement so far at GOSS?: Introducing new clients to the super-collaborative GOSS client community.

Favourite motto/quote?: 'The more I practice, the luckier I get' -  Gary Player

Favourite place in the world?: Macugnaga, a Swiss/Italian alpine village at the foot of Monte Rosa

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: Working with an outstanding group of people in an organisation that's constantly innovating.



Jonathan Stewart

Jon Stewart

New Business Development Manager

How long have you been at GOSS?: 2 years

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Sales and Marketing Team?: The new and exciting opportunities that each day brings and working with a great set of people.

Top 3 things on your bucket list?: Play the Old Course at St Andrews, Sky-Dive and go to La Tomatina.

Favourite place in the world?: Kauai

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: The people who work here - it's a great team.



Usha Elliott

Usha Elliott

Sales Administrator

How long have you been at GOSS?: 3 months

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Sales and Marketing Team?: No two days are ever the same. I love being part of such a creative and dynamic team.

Favourite motto/quote?: "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." —Mother Teresa

Top 3 things on your bucket list?: Swim with sharks, fly a small plane and go white water rafting in Costa Rica.

What is the best thing about working at GOSS?: The people, everyone is so lovely and always willing to help.



Edward Cull

Edward Cull

Graduate Marketing Executive

How long have you been at GOSS?: 1 year as a placement student and have been here 1 week in a graduate role.

What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Sale and Marketing Team?: The banter in and out of the office :) 

What's the best thing about working at GOSS?: I love the culture at GOSS, the people and the organised nights out are fantastic. 

Favourite motto/quote: "As you know, madness is like gravity... all it takes is a little push" The Joker/Heath Ledger (I'm not mad I just love The Dark Knight)

Favourite place in the world?: Has to be Barbados with a rum punch in my hand. 


Last modified: 18 July 2024 12:01

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