GOSS deliver a professional service - 98% of GOSS clients agree
Discover how GOSS clients have rated us in our latest annual client survey.

Earlier this year we invited GOSS clients to take part in our annual GOSS Client Survey. Each year, the results and opinions expressed in this survey help to provide us with key information we then utilise to help develop and improve the solutions, services and support we provide.
Open to all GOSS clients to take part, the GOSS Client survey aims to find out how our clients rate us across the various aspects of their interaction with us. This includes such aspects as the products and services we offer, the customer service they receive from us and how they view us as a software provider within the public sector online and digital technology market.
Beginning in March 2020, the survey ran for three months, ending in May 2020 and received a 15% increase in overall participation when compared to the results of the 2019 survey. This year's survey was also drastically reformed in order better capture insight into how clients are feeling. Previously the GOSS Client Survey focussed upon specific areas of service delivery, however for this survey we decided to take a wider, more holistic view of our solutions and service delivery in order to bring the focus back to our clients and understand how they view their relationship with us. The four key sections of the GOSS Client Survey 2020 were...
- GOSS Platforms, Products and Solutions
- GOSS Customer Service and Staff
- GOSS's Reputation and Competitors
- GOSS in General
GOSS Platforms, Products and Solutions
In this section of the survey we wanted to understand how our solutions were meeting clients' needs and therefore asked questions about the Platforms, Products and/or Solutions they have purchased from us. Question which gave insight into whether a client's product met their needs and its overall ease of use were asked during this survey section. Overall clients responded with largely positive answers, with 90% of participants stating their experience with their GOSS Platform, Product or Solution was either positive or very positive. Furthermore, 86% of clients went on to also agree that their GOSS Platform, Product or Solution met their needs.
"The products are straightforward and user-friendly, very easy to get to grips with. They also do what we want them to do, which really helps."
Verity Pillinger-Cork - ICT Project Manager
New Forest District Council
GOSS Customer Service and Staff
Looking at the next GOSS Client Survey section - GOSS Customer Service and Staff, here we asked clients to answer questions focused on the specific customer service areas we provide at GOSS. This included such areas as Account Management and Managed Hosting, whilst also gaining awareness of how well we provide certain client-centric service-based qualities such as 'Understanding a client's requirements.
With that said clients rated our Account Management services very positively, with 90% satisfied or very satisfied with this service. Likewise, both our Managed Hosting and Application Support services also received positive responses, with 94% of clients stating GOSS Managed Hosting is good or very good, and 84% agreeing that GOSS Application Support services were also good or very good.
Moving on to specific customer service-based qualities, 'understanding a client's requirements' stood out as something clients agreed we are either good at doing, with 91% stating so. Furthermore, when it comes to operating in a professional manner, 98% of clients said this is something we do very well.
"The interaction of the team with me has been first rate. The response times have always been impressive, and no question seems too small. All communication has been positive and supportive."
Paul Foster - Manager
London Borough of Hillingdon
GOSS's Reputation and Competitors
During the reformation of the GOSS Client Survey 2020, a brand-new section was added to the survey - GOSS's Reputation and Competitors. Here clients answered questions about how GOSS is perceived within our core markets in relation to those companies looking to try and offer similar products and services to us.
Within this section insight into clients' perceptions about the quality of GOSS products and services when compared to other companies was gained. Here 98% of clients stated that we provide products and services which deliver a similar, or better level of quality when compared against other companies offering similar products and services. Likewise, when against to compare for value for money, again 96% of GOSS clients said GOSS products and services were similar or better.
"There is a genuine 'want' to understand the client needs and the team are always happy to discuss any grey areas to ensure they deliver exactly on the user's requirements."
Transformation Project Officer at Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council
GOSS in General
And, finally within the last section of the survey clients were asked to provide responses to wider holistic questions about GOSS as a company and as a software provider the client uses on a day-to-day basis. Here, virtually 90% of GOSS clients specified that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their overall experience with GOSS as a company. Furthermore, when asked how likely GOSS clients were to recommend us to other, 82% agreed they were likely or very likely to do so.
"Excellent value for money and importantly the product is simple to use and does not require us to be heavily dependent on GOSS"
Helen Johnston - Customer Service and Digital Delivery Manager
Sunderland Council
Overall the results from the GOSS Client Survey 2020 have been extremely positive, with the majority of clients satisfied with the solutions and services they currently receive from us. All responses have been reviewed and the results from this survey are currently being used to help improve the solutions and services we provide.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all clients who participated in the GOSS Client Survey 2020. As part of our ongoing corporate and social responsibility commitment, a donation was made to a chosen charity on behalf of each participant and in line with out ongoing corporate and social responsibility commitment. This year's chosen charity was the Mental Health Foundation, whose mission it is to help people to thrive through understanding, protecting, and sustaining their mental health.We are delighted to be donating over £400 to this fantastic cause.
We would like to remind everyone that we welcome feedback from you at any time. The next Client Survey will be taking place in early 2021 and in the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the results in the survey, please don't hesitate to contact us.